Production Stills

Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick as Austen Kittredge III on the set of Northern Borders


Lynx Kittredge

Lynx Kittredge, the famed stuffed cat, adorning Abiah's room, Egypt.


On Set

Bruce Dern as Austen Kittedge, the meanest old bastard in Kingdom County heading up to Labrador.


Grandmother and Grandson

Austen and Abiah at the chicken coop.


Jacqueline Hennessy

Theresa Dubois, played by Jacqueline Hennessy, performing a scene in the schoolhouse.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Rigging the Period Truck

Take a look at some more of our behind the scenes stills and check out the rig Grip, Electric & Camera put together for the shoot of the driving scenes in our period car, Betsy.

Jeremiah filming Behind the Scenes a top the rig.
Seamus in charge of the Slate for the day.

Bruce with a smile.
Seamus & Bruce in the rig, ready to go.
Photos Courtesy of Lu Zhang & Willow O'Feral

Monday, June 4, 2012

Thank You to Our Supporters!

The Cast & Crew of Northern Borders would like to extend our gratitude by recognizing our incredibly generous supporters, without whom the film would not have come as far as it has.  Thank you for being a part of our project and for recognizing the importance of a cultural and independent New England cinema.

To be a backer of the Northern Borders project, visit us here.


Friends $10+
Jesse and Emily Wagner
Jessica Nelson

Buddy $25+
Terry Carter
Peter Gould
Desha Peacock
Paul Marlisa
Steven Safford
Matthew Snell-Callanen
Bill Mortimer
Nicole Curvin
Laura Berkowitz

Cineaste $35+
David Blistein

Film Buff $55+
Arthur and Carol Westing
Anne Rider
Benjamin & Anne Bosher
Betsy Macisaac
Bruce Berg
Cathy Osman
Chris Zappala
Christopher Wesolowski
David Shaw and Juliet Cuming
Diana Lischer-Goodband
Edie Mas
Eric Morse
Gail Nunziata
George Worden
James Leavitt
Jean Bordman
Jim Stasunas
John Burt
Jonathan Wolfman
Joseph Cattoggio Jr.
Joseph Cattoggio Sr.
Josh Moyse
Kathy Looney
Lisa Bloch of Accounting Systems Design
Maggie (Brenda) Foley
Mara William Oakes
Maria Odgen
Nancy Braus
Nancy Coutts
Paul Love
Rich Glejzer
Robert Fritz
Robert Simpson
Robin and Michelle Frehsee
Stephen Stearns
Sigrid Pickering
Tonya Howard
Linda Gordon
Sherrill Musty
Douglas Pierson
Alan & Cynthia Rubin
George & Gloria Singer
Vermont Peak Properties Group
George Woodward Jr
Elizabeth Skarie
Gerianne Smart
William Sorrell
Christina Gabriel
Gilbert Rainault

Doppelganger $80+
Keely Richter
Catherine O'Callaghan
Tom and Sue Durkin
Catherine Dianich
Pamela and Johnny Swing
John Wesley
Christopher Morely and Debra Bernstein
Carlton Palmer
Munson and Deb Hicks
Jodi Paloni
Panta Rei Consulting
Bob Wright
Melany Kahn and Bo Foard
Suzanne Turner
Barry and Elisa Waxman
Lissa Weinmann
Charlie and Rebekah Pugh
Willow Partington 
Carlton H Palmer
Melvin & Norma Ruth Shakun
Paul Nelsen
Debra Bernstein
Debbie Farrell
Jean Greenblatt
Anne & George Hodgson
Steven Jarrett
Keith Gaylord
Wendy & Charles Love
Glenn & Hollie Mcrae
Scott & Beth Esmond
Cheryl K. Wilfory
Konstantin Von Krustenstiern
Brattleboro Retreat
Robert Taratoot
Susan Ritz

Dark Horse $180+
Jason & Nina Bacon
Sara Richard
Fances Stoddard
Dawn and Gregory Flickinger
Chris and Ellen Lovell
Bryant Morgan
Crawford Blagden
Pierre and Ellen Capy of Mocha Joes Coffee
John Douglas
Eleanor Lanahan
Shelburne Vineyards
Diana Bingham

Loop Group $350+
Sara Coffey
Bari and Diane Shamas
Paul Mandel
Harris & Shirley Shapiro

Director's Circle $550+
Mike Fuller & Cathi Fuller
Robyn O'Brian & Kristina Israel of the The Putney Co-Op
Sabine Rhyne of the The Brattleboro Co-Op

Auteur $850+
Nathaniel Winthrop
Howard & Phillis Mosher
Todd Lockwood

Impresario $1,500+
Phil and Marcia Steckler
Robin Lloyd
Robert Christy

Underwriter $2,500+
Tom Bodett & Rita Ramirez
Fairpoint Communications

Mogul $5,000+
Cabot Creamery
Pat Glowa