North American film critic, Gerald Peary, visited the Northern Images class this week to show his documentary film For the Love of Movies. The film chronicles the history and the current state of American film criticism. In a discussion following the film Peary reflected on the production of his film and he offered his view on ways in which the internet and social media have entered the picture––sometimes validating and other times invalidating professional film criticism. He also explored the often charged relationship between film directors/creators and film critics.
Gerald Peary is a much-published North American film critic for more than twenty-five years. His cinema articles have appeared in many newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times, the Toronto Globe and Mail, the Chicago Tribune, and the Boston Globe, and in film periodicals around the world, including Film Comment, Cineaste, Sight and Sound, and Positif. He has been a reviewer for many publications, including the Real Paper, the Boston Review, Toronto Magazine, and Macleans.
(Sourced from Gerald Peary's website at