The Northern Borders Art Department, accompanied by director Jay Craven, visited Terry Sylvester in her Brattleboro studio to discuss possible ideas for the look of our production. Inviting Terry into the sometimes magical realist world of Northern Borders, our team delved into the details of the script and possible ways in which the story can be further brought to life through set decoration and design. Terry provided the group with some input and showed us a range of work by herself and others. Our primary focus included work by “outsider artists” since we’re thinking that one of our film’s lead characters, Abiah Kittredge, might be developed as someone who makes paintings and sculptures that chronicle her experience and imagination of “Egypt.” It looks like everyone is now fired up and ready to begin work developing these ideas and images.
Terry Sylvester is a member of the United Scenic Artists, Local 829, a labor union and association of designers, artists and craftspeople organized to protect the working conditions and wages of people working within the entertainment and decorative arts industries (United Scenic Artists, Local USA 829). She also plays a role in arts education, has done film work and has created a number of public murals. She worked on Jay Craven’s previous films, In Jest and A Stranger in the Kingdom.